2024-04-22 21:27:51 -05:00
# CalculateHexHash Method
Calculates the hexadecimal hash.
## Definition
**Namespace:** < a href = "N_CapyKit_Helpers.md" > CapyKit.Helpers< / a >
2025-02-14 04:52:55 -06:00
**Assembly:** CapyKit (in CapyKit.dll) Version: 1.0.4
2024-04-22 21:27:51 -05:00
``` C#
public static string CalculateHexHash(
string str
``` F#
static member CalculateHexHash :
str : string -> string
#### Parameters
< dl > < dt > < a href = "https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.string" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" > String< / a > < / dt > < dd > The string to be hashed.< / dd > < / dl >
#### Return Value
< a href = "https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.string" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" > String< / a >
The calculated 16 character hexadecimal hash.
## See Also
#### Reference
< a href = "T_CapyKit_Helpers_CalculationHelper.md" > CalculationHelper Class< / a >
< a href = "N_CapyKit_Helpers.md" > CapyKit.Helpers Namespace< / a >