# LINQExtensions Class Provides static extension methods for performing common LINQ operations on IEnumerable(T) and IQueryable(T) collections. ## Definition **Namespace:** CapyKit.Extensions **Assembly:** CapyKit (in CapyKit.dll) Version: 1.0.0+6cdd805be49c3b769a116584ea6904955ecd820d **C#** ``` C# public static class LINQExtensions ``` **VB** ``` VB Public NotInheritable Class LINQExtensions ``` **C++** ``` C++ [ExtensionAttribute] public ref class LINQExtensions abstract sealed ``` **F#** ``` F# [] [] [] type LINQExtensions = class end ```
InheritanceObject → LINQExtensions
## Methods
Distinct(T, U) Enumerates distinct items in this collection as defined by the key property.
Filter(T)(IEnumerable(T), Func(T, Boolean)) Filters out items matching a predicate from the collection.
Filter(T)(IQueryable(T), Expression(Func(T, Boolean))) Filters out items matching a predicate from the collection.
LeftOuterJoin(T, U, TKey, R)(IEnumerable(T), IEnumerable(U), Func(T, TKey), Func(U, TKey), Func(T, IEnumerable(U), R), Func(T, U)) An IEnumable<T> extension method that left outer join.
LeftOuterJoin(T, U, TKey, R)(IQueryable(T), IQueryable(U), Expression(Func(T, TKey)), Expression(Func(U, TKey)), Func(T, IEnumerable(U), R), Func(T, U)) An IQueryable<T> extension method that left outer join.
Page(T)(IEnumerable(T), Int32, Int32) Get a page of items from a collection, skipping pageNumber pages of pageSize items per page.
Page(T)(IQueryable(T), Int32, Int32) Get a page of items from a collection, skipping pageNumber pages of pageSize items per page.
PageCount(T)(IEnumerable(T), Int32) The number of pages of pageSize size in the given collection.
PageCount(T)(IQueryable(T), Int32) The number of pages of pageSize size in the given collection.
## See Also #### Reference CapyKit.Extensions Namespace