Inheritance | Object → CalculationHelper |
CalculateHash | Calculates the hash of a given string using an MD5 value as the first 32 bits. |
CalculateHexHash | Calculates the hexadecimal hash. |
DegreesToRadians | Convers degrees to radians. |
GetDistance(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, MeasurementSystem) | Gets the distance between two points on earth using the haversine formula. |
GetDistance(Double, Double, Double, Double, MeasurementSystem) | Gets the distance between two points on earth using the haversine formula. |
KilometersToMiles | Converts kilometers to miles. |
MilesToKilometers | Converts miles to kilometers. |
RadiansToDegrees | Converts radians to degrees. |
chars | The valid hexidecimal characters. |
EARTH_RADIUS_KILOMETERS | The earth's radius in kilometers. |
MILES_PER_KILOMETER | Ratio of miles per kilometer . |