# GetRandomString(Int32, ValidCharacterCollection[]) Method Gets a cryptographically strong random string using the character values found in [!:VALID_CHARACTERS]. ## Definition **Namespace:** CapyKit.Helpers **Assembly:** CapyKit (in CapyKit.dll) Version: 1.0.0 **C#** ``` C# public static string GetRandomString( int length, params ValidCharacterCollection[] validChars ) ``` **F#** ``` F# static member GetRandomString : length : int * validChars : ValidCharacterCollection[] -> string ``` #### Parameters
The length of the string to create.
\[Missing <param name="validChars"/> documentation for "M:CapyKit.Helpers.SecurityHelper.GetRandomString(System.Int32,CapyKit.Helpers.ValidCharacterCollection[])"\]
#### Return Value String The random string. ## See Also #### Reference SecurityHelper Class GetRandomString Overload CapyKit.Helpers Namespace