# MimeTypeList Provides a hard-coded collection of file extension and mime type mapping. This project was inspired by [samuelneff/MimeTypeMap](https://github.com/samuelneff/MimeTypeMap). This project uses the data from that project to create classes with members for each extension and mime type for lookups. You can access the values with the `FileExtensions` and `MimeTypes` static classes: ```c# FileExtensions._ruleset MimeTypes.application.onenote ``` ## Installation You can install MimeTypeList from [Nuget.org](https://www.nuget.org/) on its [package page](https://www.nuget.org/packages/MimeTypeList/1.0.0). ## Usage After installation MimeTypeList, include the following using statement in your class: ```cs using MimeTypeList; ``` ### Getting Extensions ```cs Console.WriteLine(MimeTypes.application.onenote); // ".one" ``` ### Getting Mime Types ```cs Console.WriteLine(FileExtensions._ruleset); // "application/xml" ``` ## Donations [![Donate with Trans Pay](https://support.jordanwages.com/static/donate-with-transpay-en.png)](https://support.jordanwages.com?project=3) If you would like to donate to the development of **MimeTypeList**, please direct you donation to my [patron page](https://support.jordanwages.com) (powered by Stripe) or directly via my [PayPal.Me](https://www.paypal.me/wagesj45) page. You can also donate Ethereum [to my wallet](https://etherscan.io/address/0x917f3d67e2a7ec8884d241118ee829af57cc4afd).