MimeTypeList Application mime type namespace. application/fsharp-script application/msaccess application/msword application/octet-stream application/onenote application/postscript application/step application/vnd.ms-excel application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.ms-works application/vnd.visio application/x-director application/x-shockwave-flash application/x-x509-ca-cert application/x-zip-compressed application/xhtml+xml application/xml Internal default constructor. Audio mime type namespace. audio/aac audio/aiff audio/basic audio/mid audio/wav audio/x-m4a audio/x-mpegurl audio/x-pn-realaudio audio/x-smd Default constructor. Image mime type namespace. image/bmp image/jpeg image/pict image/png Defined in [RFC-2045], [RFC-2048] image/x-png See https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#A-Media-type :"It is recommended that implementations also recognize the media type "image/x-png"." image/tiff image/x-macpaint image/x-quicktime Internal default constructor. Message mime type namespace. message/rfc822 Default constructor. Text mime type namespace. text/html text/plain text/scriptlet text/xml Internal default constructor. Video mime type namespace. video/3gpp video/3gpp2 video/mp4 video/mpeg video/quicktime video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts video/x-dv video/x-la-asf video/x-ms-asf Internal default constructor. X-World mime type namespace. x-world/x-vrml Internal default constructor. A list of mime types referenced by extension. *.3gp2 *.3gpp *.7z *.aa *.AAC *.aaf *.aax *.ac3 *.aca *.accda *.accdb *.accdc *.accde *.accdr *.accdt *.accdw *.accft *.acx *.AddIn *.ade *.adobebridge *.adp *.ADT *.ADTS *.afm *.ai *.aif *.aifc *.aiff *.air *.amc *.anx *.apk *.application *.art *.asa *.asax *.ascx *.asd *.asf *.ashx *.asi *.asm *.asmx *.aspx *.asr *.asx *.atom *.au *.avi *.axa *.axs *.axv *.bas *.bcpio *.bin *.bmp *.c *.cab *.caf *.calx *.cat *.cc *.cd *.cdda *.cdf *.cer *.cfg *.chm *.class *.clp *.cmd *.cmx *.cnf *.cod *.config *.contact *.coverage *.cpio *.cpp *.crd *.crl *.crt *.cs *.csdproj *.csh *.csproj *.css *.csv *.cur *.cxx *.dat *.datasource *.dbproj *.dcr *.def *.deploy *.der *.dgml *.dib *.dif *.dir *.disco *.divx *.dll *.dll.config *.dlm *.doc *.docm *.docx *.dot *.dotm *.dotx *.dsp *.dsw *.dtd *.dtsConfig *.dv *.dvi *.dwf *.dwg *.dwp *.dxf *.dxr *.eml *.emz *.eot *.eps *.es *.etl *.etx *.evy *.exe *.exe.config *.fdf *.fif *.filters *.fla *.flac *.flr *.flv *.fsscript *.fsx *.generictest *.gif *.gpx *.group *.gsm *.gtar *.gz *.h *.hdf *.hdml *.hhc *.hhk *.hhp *.hlp *.hpp *.hqx *.hta *.htc *.htm *.html *.htt *.hxa *.hxc *.hxd *.hxe *.hxf *.hxh *.hxi *.hxk *.hxq *.hxr *.hxs *.hxt *.hxv *.hxw *.hxx *.i *.ico *.ics *.idl *.ief *.iii *.inc *.inf *.ini *.inl *.ins *.ipa *.ipg *.ipproj *.ipsw *.iqy *.isp *.ite *.itlp *.itms *.itpc *.IVF *.jar *.java *.jck *.jcz *.jfif *.jnlp *.jpb *.jpe *.jpeg *.jpg *.js *.json *.jsx *.jsxbin *.latex *.library-ms *.lit *.loadtest *.lpk *.lsf *.lst *.lsx *.lzh *.m13 *.m14 *.m1v *.m2t *.m2ts *.m2v *.m3u *.m3u8 *.m4a *.m4b *.m4p *.m4r *.m4v *.mac *.mak *.man *.manifest *.map *.master *.mbox *.mda *.mdb *.mde *.mdp *.me *.mfp *.mht *.mhtml *.mid *.midi *.mix *.mk *.mk3d *.mka *.mkv *.mmf *.mno *.mny *.mod *.mov *.movie *.mp2 *.mp2v *.mp3 *.mp4 *.mp4v *.mpa *.mpe *.mpeg *.mpf *.mpg *.mpp *.mpv2 *.mqv *.ms *.msg *.msi *.mso *.mts *.mtx *.mvb *.mvc *.mxp *.nc *.nsc *.nws *.ocx *.oda *.odb *.odc *.odf *.odg *.odh *.odi *.odl *.odm *.odp *.ods *.odt *.oga *.ogg *.ogv *.ogx *.one *.onea *.onepkg *.onetmp *.onetoc *.onetoc2 *.opus *.orderedtest *.osdx *.otf *.otg *.oth *.otp *.ots *.ott *.oxt *.p10 *.p12 *.p7b *.p7c *.p7m *.p7r *.p7s *.pbm *.pcast *.pct *.pcx *.pcz *.pdf *.pfb *.pfm *.pfx *.pgm *.pic *.pict *.pkgdef *.pkgundef *.pko *.pls *.pma *.pmc *.pml *.pmr *.pmw *.png *.pnm *.pnt *.pntg *.pnz *.pot *.potm *.potx *.ppa *.ppam *.ppm *.pps *.ppsm *.ppsx *.ppt *.pptm *.pptx *.prf *.prm *.prx *.ps *.psc1 *.psd *.psess *.psm *.psp *.pst *.pub *.pwz *.qht *.qhtm *.qt *.qti *.qtif *.qtl *.qxd *.ra *.ram *.rar *.ras *.rat *.rc *.rc2 *.rct *.rdlc *.reg *.resx *.rf *.rgb *.rgs *.rm *.rmi *.rmp *.roff *.rpm *.rqy *.rtf *.rtx *.rvt *.ruleset *.s *.safariextz *.scd *.scr *.sct *.sd2 *.sdp *.sea *.searchConnector-ms *.setpay *.setreg *.settings *.sgimb *.sgml *.sh *.shar *.shtml *.sit *.sitemap *.skin *.skp *.sldm *.sldx *.slk *.sln *.slupkg-ms *.smd *.smi *.smx *.smz *.snd *.snippet *.snp *.sol *.sor *.spc *.spl *.spx *.src *.srf *.SSISDeploymentManifest *.ssm *.sst *.stl *.sv4cpio *.sv4crc *.svc *.svg *.swf *.step *.stp *.t *.tar *.tcl *.testrunconfig *.testsettings *.tex *.texi *.texinfo *.tgz *.thmx *.thn *.tif *.tiff *.tlh *.tli *.toc *.tr *.trm *.trx *.ts *.tsv *.ttf *.tts *.txt *.u32 *.uls *.user *.ustar *.vb *.vbdproj *.vbk *.vbproj *.vbs *.vcf *.vcproj *.vcs *.vcxproj *.vddproj *.vdp *.vdproj *.vdx *.vml *.vscontent *.vsct *.vsd *.vsi *.vsix *.vsixlangpack *.vsixmanifest *.vsmdi *.vspscc *.vss *.vsscc *.vssettings *.vssscc *.vst *.vstemplate *.vsto *.vsw *.vsx *.vtt *.vtx *.wasm *.wav *.wave *.wax *.wbk *.wbmp *.wcm *.wdb *.wdp *.webarchive *.webm *.webp *.webtest *.wiq *.wiz *.wks *.WLMP *.wlpginstall *.wlpginstall3 *.wm *.wma *.wmd *.wmf *.wml *.wmlc *.wmls *.wmlsc *.wmp *.wmv *.wmx *.wmz *.woff *.woff2 *.wpl *.wps *.wri *.wrl *.wrz *.wsc *.wsdl *.wvx *.x *.xaf *.xaml *.xap *.xbap *.xbm *.xdr *.xht *.xhtml *.xla *.xlam *.xlc *.xld *.xlk *.xll *.xlm *.xls *.xlsb *.xlsm *.xlsx *.xlt *.xltm *.xltx *.xlw *.xml *.xmp *.xmta *.xof *.XOML *.xpm *.xps *.xrm-ms *.xsc *.xsd *.xsf *.xsl *.xslt *.xsn *.xss *.xspf *.xtp *.xwd *.z *.zip A list of mime types organized by namespace. Application mime type namespace. Audio mime type namespace. Image mime type namespace. Message mime type namespace. Text mime type namespace. Video mime type namespace. X-World mime type namespace.