Debug AnyCPU 2.0 {4174406f-c64c-4595-89d8-4b51824bc187} 2017.9.26.0 Documentation Documentation Documentation .NET Framework 4.7.1 docs\ Documentation en-US Website C# VS2013 True True False False OnlyWarningsAndErrors butterflow-ui is a graphical front end for interacting with the butterflow command line application in Windows. butterflow-ui is a graphical front end for interacting with the butterflow command line application in Windows. butterflow-ui is a graphical front end for interacting with the butterflow command line application in Windows. Attributes, ExplicitInterfaceImplementations, InheritedMembers, Internals, Privates, PrivateFields, Protected, SealedProtected, ProtectedInternalAsProtected, PublicCompilerGenerated, NonBrowsable False Msdn True False Msdn &lt%3b!-- Matomo Image Tracker--&gt%3b &lt%3bimg referrerpolicy=&quot%3bno-referrer-when-downgrade&quot%3b src=&quot%3b style=&quot%3bborder:0&quot%3b alt=&quot%3b&quot%3b /&gt%3b &lt%3b!-- End Matomo --&gt%3b False OnBuildSuccess