Debug AnyCPU 2.0 {b60970b9-771a-4ebb-9978-89f55163888f} HelpFile HelpFile HelpFile .\Help\ csmic_help en-US HtmlHelp1, Website False .NET Framework 4.0 True False False True Standard Blank csmic True VS2010 False Guid CS-MIC - C Sharp Math Input Control Please visit the &lt%3ba href=&quot%3b site&lt%3b/a&gt%3b for more information. Please feel free to provide feedback! Copyright 2012 AboveNamespaces Msdn Msdn True True CS-MIC is a .NET library written in C# designed to give developers easy access to expression parsing. For many developers, there is no need to involve complicated settings and formats. With few exposed methods and objects, CS-MIC makes basic expression solving as simple as possible with as little logic required from developers as possible. In fact, one can pull a value with only one line of code. Attributes, ExplicitInterfaceImplementations, InheritedMembers, InheritedFrameworkMembers, Internals, Protected, SealedProtected SAK SAK SAK SAK