using csmic; using Octokit; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace mdfinder { /// An octokit wrapper. public static class OctokitWrapper { #region Members /// The RegEx string for matching . private const string REGEX_VERSION = @"(?\d+ ?)\.(?\d+ ?)\.(?\d+ ?)"; /// The version status of the current installation. private static VersionStatus versionStatus = VersionStatus.Unknown; #endregion #region Properties /// Gets the current version status of this installation. /// The current version status of this installation. public static VersionStatus CurrentVersionStatus { get { return versionStatus; } } /// Gets information describing the current version status. /// Information describing the current version status. public static string CurrentVersionStatusDescription { get { switch (CurrentVersionStatus) { case VersionStatus.Current: return Localization.Localization.CurrentVersionStatusDescription; case VersionStatus.Behind: return Localization.Localization.BehindVersionStatusDescription; case VersionStatus.Custom: return Localization.Localization.CustomVersionStatusDescription; case VersionStatus.Unknown: default: return Localization.Localization.UnknownVersionStatusDescription; } } } #endregion #region Constructor /// Static constructor. static OctokitWrapper() { versionStatus = GetVersionStatus(); } #endregion #region Methods /// Gets version status from github. /// The current version status. private static VersionStatus GetVersionStatus() { try { var interpreter = new InputInterpreter(); var client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("mdfinder")); var releases = client.Repository.Release.GetAll("wagesj45", "mdfinder").Result; if (releases.Any()) { var latest = releases.First(); decimal latestMajor = 0, latestMinor = 0, latestPatch = 0, currentMajor = 0, currentMinor = 0, currentPatch = 0; var regex = new Regex(REGEX_VERSION); foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(latest.TagName)) { latestMajor = interpreter.ComputeExpression(match.Groups["Major"].Value); latestMinor = interpreter.ComputeExpression(match.Groups["Minor"].Value); latestPatch = interpreter.ComputeExpression(match.Groups["Patch"].Value); } foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString())) { currentMajor = interpreter.ComputeExpression(match.Groups["Major"].Value); currentMinor = interpreter.ComputeExpression(match.Groups["Minor"].Value); currentPatch = interpreter.ComputeExpression(match.Groups["Patch"].Value); } if (latestMajor == currentMajor && latestMinor == currentMinor && latestPatch == currentPatch) { return VersionStatus.Current; } if (latestMajor >= currentMajor && latestMinor >= currentMinor && latestPatch >= currentPatch) { return VersionStatus.Behind; } return VersionStatus.Custom; } } catch (Exception e) { //There was an issue connecting to Github. This could be caused by a missing network connection. //We can safely ignore an error in this process and proceed, falling through to the default connection //value of Unknown. } return VersionStatus.Unknown; } #endregion #region Subclasses /// Values that represent version status of the current installation of butterflow-ui. public enum VersionStatus { /// The current version is up to date with the github repository. Current, /// The current version is behind the github repository and should be updated. Behind, /// The current version is ahead of the github repository, or is a custom version of butterflow-ui that cannot be compared to the github repository. Custom, /// Github failed to respond with the current version. This could be because of rate limits or a network failure. Unknown } #endregion } }