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OptionsConfigurationFile Class

An options configuration file. This class is used to serialize out the configuration to a file.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  butterflow_ui
Assembly:  butterflow-ui (in butterflow-ui.exe) Version: (
public class OptionsConfigurationFile

The OptionsConfigurationFile type exposes the following members.

Public methodOptionsConfigurationFile
Initializes a new instance of the OptionsConfigurationFile class
Public propertyFastPyramid
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use fast pyramids.
Public propertyFlowFilterType
Gets or sets the type of the flow filter used for optical flow calculations.
Public propertyIterations
Gets or sets the number of iterations at each pyramid level.
Public propertyKeepAudio
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the keep audio.
Public propertyKeepSubregions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the keep subregions that are not explicitly specified.
Public propertyLevels
Gets or sets the number of pyramid layers.
Public propertyLockAspectRatio
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to lock aspect ratio of the video.
Public propertyLosslessQuality
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the result is rendered in lossless quality.
Public propertyPixelNeighborhood
Gets or sets the size of the pixel neighborhood.
Public propertyPlaybackRate
Gets or sets the playback rate.
Public propertyPyramidScale
Gets or sets the pyramid scale factor.
Public propertySmoothDerivativeStandardDeviation
Gets or sets the standard deviation of smooth derivatives.
Public propertySmoothMotion
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the butterflow should be turned toward smooth motion.
Public propertyWindowSize
Gets or sets the size of the windowing average.
See Also