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butterflow_ui Namespace

butterflow-ui is a graphical front end for interacting with the butterflow command line application in Windows.
Public classAboutWindow
Interaction logic for AboutWindow.xaml
Public classApp
Interaction logic for App.xaml
Public classButterflowOption
A butterflowUI option. Contains layout information for use in butterflowUI.
Public classButterflowSubregion
A butterflow video subregion. Represents a snippet of a video on which butterflow will act.
Public classButterflowWrapper
A butterflow wrapper. Provides interaction with the butterflow executable.
Public classButterflowWrapperButterflowConsoleOutputArgs
Arguments for butterflow console output events.
Public classButterflowWrapperButterflowOutputArgs
Arguments for butterflow output events where a known value of type can be parsed.
Public classInverseBoolConverter
An inverse boolean converter.
Public classMainWindow
Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
Public classOptionsConfiguration
The butterflow options configuration. Contians all the options necessary to run butterflow and process a video.
Public classOptionsConfigurationFile
An options configuration file. This class is used to serialize out the configuration to a file.
Public classOptionsWindow
Interaction logic for OptionsWindow.xaml
Public classPropertyChangedAlerter
A class responsible for implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and helper functions.
Public enumerationButterflowWrapperButterflowOutputType
Values that represent butterflow output types.
Public enumerationFlowFilterType
Values that represent a flow filter type used for optical flow calculations.
Public enumerationRegionType
Values that represent subregion types.