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OptionsConfiguration Class

The butterflow options configuration. Contians all the options necessary to run butterflow and process a video.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  butterflow_ui
Assembly:  butterflow-ui (in butterflow-ui.exe) Version: (
public class OptionsConfiguration : PropertyChangedAlerter

The OptionsConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Private methodStatic memberOptionsConfiguration
Public methodOptionsConfiguration
Default constructor.
Public propertyCommandLineOutput
Gets the command line output given the current configuration.
Public propertyFastPyramid
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use fast pyramids.
Public propertyFlowFilterType
Gets or sets the type of the flow filter used for optical flow calculations.
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height of the video output.
Public propertyIterations
Gets or sets the number of iterations at each pyramid level.
Public propertyKeepAudio
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the keep audio.
Public propertyKeepSubregions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the keep subregions that are not explicitly specified.
Public propertyLevels
Gets or sets the number of pyramid layers.
Public propertyLockAspectRatio
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to lock aspect ratio of the video.
Public propertyLosslessQuality
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the result is rendered in lossless quality.
Public propertyMultipleFiles
Gets a value indicating whether butterflow will process multiple files.
Public propertyPixelNeighborhood
Gets or sets the size of the pixel neighborhood.
Public propertyPlaybackRate
Gets or sets the playback rate.
Public propertyPyramidScale
Gets or sets the pyramid scale factor.
Public propertySmoothDerivativeStandardDeviation
Gets or sets the standard deviation of smooth derivatives.
Public propertySmoothMotion
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the butterflow should be turned toward smooth motion.
Public propertySubregions
Gets or sets the subregions of the video on which to work.
Public propertyVideoInput
Gets or sets the video input file path.
Public propertyVideoOutput
Gets or sets the video output file path.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the video output.
Public propertyWindowSize
Gets or sets the size of the windowing average.
Public methodAddConstantCallProperty
Adds a property that will always be called when any property is updated..
(Inherited from PropertyChangedAlerter.)
Public methodForceUpdate
Force the object's properties to report as updated.
Public methodLoadFile
Loads an option configuration file's contents into the .
Protected methodOnAllPropertiesChanged
Executes when all properties are changed and should be updated.
(Inherited from PropertyChangedAlerter.)
Protected methodCode exampleOnPropertyChanged
Executes the property changed action. This alerts subscribers to its change in value.
(Inherited from PropertyChangedAlerter.)
Private methodSubregionPropertyChanged
Subregion property changed.
Private methodSubregions_CollectionChanged
Event handler. Called by Subregions for collection changed events.
Public methodToButterflowArguments
Converts this object to a butterflow options.
Public methodToFile
Converts this object to a .
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public eventPropertyChanged
Occurs when a property value changes.
(Inherited from PropertyChangedAlerter.)
Private fieldaspectRatio
The aspect ratio used for calculating heights when the aspect ratio is locked.
Private fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_FLOW_FILTER_TYPE
The default flow filter type setting.
Private fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_ITERATIONS
The default iterations setting.
Private fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_LEVELS
The default levels setting.
Private fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_PIXEL_NEIGHBORHOOD
The default pixel neighborhood setting.
Private fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_PYRAMID_SCALE
The default pyramid scale setting.
The default smooth derivative standard deviation setting.
Private fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE
The default window size setting.
Private fieldfastPyramid
A value indicating whether or not to use fast pyramids when processing a video.
Private fieldflowFilterType
Type of the flow filter to use for processing.
Private fieldheight
The height of the output video.
Private fieldinterpreter
An input interpreter used for converting string values to numeric values.
Private fielditerations
The number of iterations per pyramid level.
Private fieldkeepAudio
A value indicating whether or not to keep the original audio in the final video.
Private fieldkeepSubregions
A value indicating whether or not to render unspecified subregions.
Private fieldlevels
The level size setting.
Private fieldlockAspectRatio
A value indicating whether or not to lock the aspect ratio to the of the video.
Private fieldlosslessQuality
A value indicating whether or not to render the final video with lossless quality.
Private fieldStatic memberOUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT
The output file format when operating on more than one video.
Private fieldpixelNeighborhood
The size of pixel neighborhood.
Private fieldplaybackRate
The playback rate.
Private fieldpyramidScale
The pyramid scale setting.
Private fieldsmoothDerivativeStandardDeviation
The standard deviation of smooth derivatives
Private fieldsmoothMotion
A value indicating whether or not to tune processing for smooth motion.
Private fieldsubregions
The subregions of the video on which to process.
Private fieldvideoInput
The video input files.
Private fieldvideoOutput
The video output file.
Private fieldwidth
The width of the output video.
Private fieldwindowSize
Size of the windowing average.
See Also