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ButterflowWrapper Methods

The ButterflowWrapper type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddConstantCallProperty
Adds a property that will always be called when any property is updated..
(Inherited from PropertyChangedAlerter.)
Public methodCancel
Kills the running instance of butterflow, cancelling its current operation.
Public methodGetDevices
Gets the devices available for butterflow processing.
Protected methodOnAllPropertiesChanged
Executes when all properties are changed and should be updated.
(Inherited from PropertyChangedAlerter.)
Private methodOnButterflowExited
Executes the butterflow exited action.
Private methodOnParsedConsoleOutputRecieved
Executes the parsed console output recieved action.
Protected methodCode exampleOnPropertyChanged
Executes the property changed action. This alerts subscribers to its change in value.
(Inherited from PropertyChangedAlerter.)
Private methodParseConsoleOutput
Parses console output and attempts to find known values. If a known value is found, the event is triggered.
Public methodProbe
Probes a video file.
Private methodProcess_Exited
Event handler. Called by Process for exited events.
Private methodProcess_OutputDataReceived
Event handler. Called by Process for output data received events.
Public methodProcessQueue
Process the queue of butterflow arguments.
Public methodRun(OptionsConfiguration)
Runs butterflow with the given optionsConfiguration by adding it to the queue.
Private methodRun(String)
Runs butterflow with the given arguments by adding it to the queue.
See Also