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ButterflowWrapper Fields

Private fieldalwaysCall
A list of properties to always call as updated. Generally used for composite properties.
(Inherited from PropertyChangedAlerter.)
Private fieldconsoleOutput
The console output from butterflow.
Private fieldexecutablePath
Full pathname of the butterflow executable file.
Private fieldinterpreter
An input interpreter used for converting string values to numeric values.
Private fieldisRunning
True if butterflow is running, false if not.
Private fieldprogressPercentage
The progress percentage as reported by butterflow.
Private fieldStatic memberREGEX_PROGRESS
The RegEx string for detecting progress made when rendering a video.
Private fieldStatic memberREGEX_PROGRESS_ALT
An alternative RegEx string for detecting progress made when rendering a video.
Private fieldStatic memberREGEX_RATE
The RegEx string for matching the probed playback rate.
Private fieldStatic memberREGEX_RESOLUTION
The RegEx string for matching probed resolution.
Private fieldrunningProcess
The running butterflow process.
See Also